Our closing related fees are detailed below. Title insurance premiums are based on our underwriters' rates as filed with the State of Colorado.
Title insurance premiums for our underwriters, First American and Westcor, are available though Colorado’s department of Regulatory Agencies or on their respective websites, or email info@centralcoloradotitle.com with the county and purchase price and property type for a quote.
Central Colorado Title’s closing, escrow and settlement services cover the entire spectrum of real estate and business transactions, including the purchase, sale, and financing of, as well as investment in, residential, agricultural/ranch, vacant, and commercial real estate properties.
We would also be happy to assist with your business sales and other commercial transactions.

View the rates here, that are applicable to the counties for which we most frequently close. Reissue rate discounts will be automatically applied where available (such as for residential transactions where a prior policy has been issued in the past 5 years, with a 50% discount in years one and 2, and a 30% discount in years 3 – 5).
First American’s “bundled” loan rates, which rates include the following endorsements at no additional charge, if requested and available for the particular property: 8.1, 100, deletion of 1-4, 100.29; and 115.1 and 115.2, if applicable. Lenders also often request GAP coverage, which is an additional $50 charge, and (if there is a manufactured home) lenders frequently also request Endorsement 115.3 mobile home coverage, which may be available for an additional $50. In addition to the Policy Premium, First American is now charging a $25 charge for each CPL issued in a transaction.
Title Insurance Costs
All fees that we may charge are filed with the Colorado Division of Insurance, and full fee information is available by clicking here. Unless you are closing a front range transaction, the below fees should be all you need to know:
Represented Sale – $300
Unrepresented Sale (no realtor/agent/attorney on either side) – $600
If you elect to have us send you a closing package via overnight courier, that is generally charged at $50 per package per direction.

Closing Costs and Fees
What to Expect on Your Statement

In addition to our closing fees and the title insurance costs noted above, your bottom line will be affected by prorations for real estate taxes and any owners’ association assessments, final water/sewer bill(s) and related transfer fees, payoffs to mortgage lenders, credits/debits for propane or other applicable items, and other matters if referenced in your contract or if required based on the title search.
Our closers are happy to talk through any questions you may have about these matters.