Central Colorado Title and Escrow News

Central Colorado Title and Escrow introduces the Title Listing Confirmation (TLC). The TLC is the first of its kind in Colorado. For $10.00 (which can be offset against title insurance premium at closing), we provide detailed ownership information and flag possible legal description and title encumbrance issues to help with clearing issues with your listing.
If you provide your Listing Agreement, we can quickly verify that information against the public record, and we will identify ownership, property and encumbrances issues at the time of listing BEFORE going to contract. The report you receive will include the following information, and we will categorize them as green light (no issues), yellow light (lets talk) and red light (there will be some work to do before any title deadline):
Ownership of record and any variances from listing
Legal description of record and problem variances from listing
Information as to potential encumbrances and/or liens that will need to be addressed before closing
TLCs will put your seller in a position of peace of mind in the best of situations (Green Light)
TLCs will enable you to obtain more information as to potential property or owner issues before negotiating the Contract (Yellow Light)
TLCs will empower you with verified information to advise your client that questions or defects need to be addressed prior to Contract (Red Light)
Colorado Recording Fees
Effective January 1, 2017, recording fees are increasing in Colorado to $13 for the first page and $5 for each additional page for all recorded documents. See attached notice. Fees to the public trustee for release of a Deed of Trust are also increasing to $28 for a one page release (plus $5.00 for each additional page).
Phishing Scams and Wire Fraud
Beware of phishing scams and wire fraud. The attached “ALERT” summarizes the most frequent scams. Always verify wiring instructions before sending funds, and avoid sending personal/confidential information via unsecured email.